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DIACEL® FL Powder Cement Fluid-Loss Additive

Diacel® FL Powder Cement Fluid-Loss Additive is a low- to high-temperature range polymer that is dry blended with the cement powder prior to preparation of the cement slurry. Diacel® FL Winterized Liquid Cement Fluid-Loss Additive is an aqueous-based liquid polymer that is added into the mix water prior to preparation of the cement slurry.

Both products are non-retarding fluid-loss agents. Their non-retarding property reduces the need for accelerators at low temperatures or with low-density cement slurries. Their fluid-loss control performance is improved when used in conjunction with dispersants and most retarders. With Diacel® FL Winterized Liquid Cement Fluid-Loss Additive, a retarder is typically required above 100°F.

Application Areas

  • All API classes of cement
  • Freshwater, saltwater or seawater slurries



