Flowzan® Biopolymer is a high-purity, high-performance xanthan gum biopolymer utilizing unique, patented dispersion chemistry which significantly enhances product dispersion and solubility and reduces the formation of fisheyes.
- Excellent viscosifier – requires less material than other xanthan
- Excellent suspension characteristics and rheology control
- Produces shear thinning fluid for optimum penetration rates
- Performs well in fresh water, seawater, brine and saturated salt environments
- Rapid dispersion without fisheyes
- Minimizes formation damage
- Helps maintain the integrity of cuttings
- Reduces circulating pressure losses
- Effective friction reducer in coil tubing applications
- Thermal stability to ± 270 °F in fresh water applications
- Thermal stability to ± 320 °F in saturated salt water